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hosting:halcyon [2017/02/24 14:53]
eServices Greece
hosting:halcyon [2020/06/25 16:49] (current)
eServices Greece [Platforms]
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 +{{tag>halcyon engine app RAM}}
 ====== Halcyon Engine ====== ====== Halcyon Engine ======
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 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
-  * Joomla+  * Joomla v3 
 +  * Joomla v4
   * WordPress   * WordPress
   * OpenCart   * OpenCart
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 ??? Why do I need all those files? ??? Why do I need all those files?
-!!! Halcyon will create a unique profile for each unique visiting device type and browser. This doesnt mean that it will create a unique profile for each visitor though, instead for example it will create a profile for a Pixel XL with the Chrome Browser, that way the next time a user visits your site with that combination will get a pre rendered web site immediately. This will help both in the download time since Halcyon serves the profile images in an optimized and compressed form and also in the render of the page in the users device, this process alone will be responsible for reducing the users load time to at least in half. +!!! Halcyon will create a unique profile for each unique visiting device type and browser. This doesn'mean that it will create a unique profile for each visitor though, instead for example it will create a profile for a Pixel XL with the Chrome Browser, that way the next time a user visits your site with that combination will get a pre rendered web site immediately. This will help both in the download time since Halcyon serves the profile images in an optimized and compressed form and also in the render of the page in the users device, this process alone will be responsible for reducing the users load time to at least in half. 
 ??? Does that mean that I am going to run out of space in my hosting plan ? ??? Does that mean that I am going to run out of space in my hosting plan ?