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google:api_console [2017/02/24 15:39]
eServices Greece created
google:api_console [2019/04/16 13:38] (current)
eServices Greece
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 +{{tag>google api guide}}{{howhard>1}}
 ====== Google API Console ====== ====== Google API Console ======
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   * Select **Create Project**   * Select **Create Project**
   * Set a project name, it is advised you use your sites domain name   * Set a project name, it is advised you use your sites domain name
-  * Continue with Provide Access to eSG +  * Continue with Provide Access to eSG if you would like us to manage your API keys & Access (ONLY after you have arranged for this with eSGR Support)
- +
 ===== Provide Access to eSG ===== ===== Provide Access to eSG =====