We are proud to announce the next major release of the Halcyon Engine (5.5). This is a major release with numerous new changes and optimizations.
Halcyon is now able to server 99.8% of our current http content from 95% previously, most importantly it will be now serving over 98% of our https traffic.
Major changes:
  • Full HTTPS support
  • Full http/2 support
  • Coeus v1 introduced to production
  • Soteria v1 introduced to production
  • Shared(user private) cache blocks between all services.
Since Coeus and Soteria were ready for production we chose not to include Brotli in the current release in order to have the engine pushed to production 3 months earlier than expected.
Officially we pushed Brotli to 5.7 but it may appear a lot earlier in a patch since its very close to completion.
We will be making a blog post soon with more details on this release.
Best Regards,

Monday, March 13, 2017

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