We would like to inform you that for the next 3 days we will be performing a full server stack upgrade on all of our shared hosting servers. The upgrades will happen gradually and will require a 3 minute downtime for servers. The downtime will happen between 03:00 and 04:00 in the morning for each servers timezone. 

During the upgrade we will be upgrading to the latest stable version of the web server, sql and php. This will in no way change accounts that are on a custom php version setup by you in your control panel. 

Special Notes:
Timezone: We always made sure each site is on the customers timezone (+-2 hours) so the downtime should be unnoticeable for most of your customers, in case you run a site in a timezone different than yours please make sure you change that in the email notification you received last week, except if this is on purpose.

Custom applications: If you are running your own custom application that needs initialization after a server reboot please make sure to always use a cron to restart it. User crontab always executes 3 minutes after a server reboot.

Best Regards,
eServices Greece

Kedd, November 24, 2015

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