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systems:sql_commands [2018/12/27 15:58]
eServices Greece created
systems:sql_commands [2020/04/29 15:23] (current)
eServices Greece
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 +====== Maintenance ======
 +==== Check Table Integrity ====
 +<sxh bash>myisamchk -s /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI</sxh>
 +==== Repair Table ====
 +<sxh bash>myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/dbname/table_name.MYI</sxh>
 +=== If it fails ===
 +<sxh bash>systemctl stop mariadb 
 +myisamchk -r --update-state /var/lib/mysql/dbname/table_name.MYI
 +systemctl start mariadb</sxh>
 ====== Basic SQL Commands ====== ====== Basic SQL Commands ======