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PHP 7.x+

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PHP 7.x+


Install PHP 7 in Centos 7


Install Repository

rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el7/webtatic-release.rpm

Install PHP 7.2

yum install -y php72w-bcmath php72w-cli php72w-common php72w-dba php72w-embedded php72w-enchant php72w-fpm php72w-gd php72w-imap php72w-interbase php72w-intl php72w-ldap php72w-mbstring php72w-mysqlnd php72w-odbc php72w-opcache php72w-pdo php72w-pdo_dblib php72w-pear php72w-pecl-apcu php72w-pecl-geoip php72w-pecl-igbinary php72w-pecl-imagick php72w-pecl-libsodium php72w-pecl-memcached php72w-pecl-mongodb php72w-pecl-redis
php72w-pgsql php72w-process php72w-pspell php72w-recode php72w-snmp php72w-soap php72w-sodium php72w-tidy php72w-xml php72w-xmlrpc

Update User/group for php-fpm

vim /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
user = nginx
group = nginx

/home/www/sites/esgr.in/wiki/data/attic/software/php.1566642746.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/24 10:32 by eServices Greece