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operations:file_permissions [2017/03/21 12:40]
eServices Greece
operations:file_permissions [2017/03/21 12:42] (current)
eServices Greece
Line 8: Line 8:
 <sxh bash>find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;</sxh> <sxh bash>find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;</sxh>
-===== MyBB =====+===== Application Specific ===== 
 +==== Joomla ==== 
 +<sxh bash>chmod 644 configuration.php</sxh> 
 +==== MyBB ====
 <sxh bash>chmod 666 inc/config.php inc/settings.php <sxh bash>chmod 666 inc/config.php inc/settings.php
 chmod 777 cache/ cache/themes/ uploads/ uploads/avatars/</sxh> chmod 777 cache/ cache/themes/ uploads/ uploads/avatars/</sxh>