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facebook_pixel [2020/09/25 13:05]
eServices Greece
facebook_pixel [2020/09/26 11:58] (current)
eServices Greece
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 +{{tag>facebook pixel guide fb}} {{howhard>1}}
 ====== How to create a Facebook Pixel ====== ====== How to create a Facebook Pixel ======
 You will see how to create a web pixel, get the Pixel ID, Create an Access Token and setup an ACL. You will see how to create a web pixel, get the Pixel ID, Create an Access Token and setup an ACL.
Line 19: Line 20:
 Go to the overview of the Data Source and select Settings. Go to the overview of the Data Source and select Settings.
-The Green Arrow Shows the location of your Pixel ID.+The <hi #88FF88>Green Arrow</hi> Shows the location of your Pixel ID.
-The Red Arrow Shows the location of the Create Access Token.+The <hi #FF8888>Red Arrow</hi> Shows the location of the Create Access Token.
-The Blue Arrow Shows the ACL.+The <hi #8888FF>Blue Arrow</hi> Shows the ACL.
 {{ :fb:pixelsettings.jpg?nolink& |}} {{ :fb:pixelsettings.jpg?nolink& |}}
Line 43: Line 44:
 ===== Create the ACL ===== ===== Create the ACL =====
-Click on the Create Allow List button (Blue Arrow in Settings)+Click on the Create Allow List button (Blue Arrow in Settings)
 Repeat the steps for all the domains you want the pixel to work for. Repeat the steps for all the domains you want the pixel to work for.
Line 53: Line 55:
 ==== Step 3 ==== ==== Step 3 ====
 {{ :fb:pixel-acl3.jpg?nolink& |}} {{ :fb:pixel-acl3.jpg?nolink& |}}
-==== Step 4 ====+==== Check Domain ACL ==== 
 +After Adding the domains you can check in the settings (bottom of the page) for all the domains you added.
 {{ :fb:pixel-acl4.jpg?nolink& |}} {{ :fb:pixel-acl4.jpg?nolink& |}}
 +===== Delete Pixel =====
 +It is not possible to delete a pixel from your account, but you can disassociate it from any FB Assets.
 +Visit [[https://business.facebook.com/|Facebook Business Manager]] -> Business Settings -> Data Sources -> Pixels
 +Select the Pixel you don't need anymore and then on the details select **Connected Assets**
 +Click on the Trash Icon next to all of the assets listed.
 +Dont forget to remove the Pixel ID from your site/app.
 +This page has been accessed {{counter|today}} times Today,  {{counter|yesterday}} times Yesterday and {{counter|total}} times Since 2020/09/27.