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esg_colors [2018/10/17 14:59]
eServices Greece
esg_colors [2018/10/17 15:00] (current)
eServices Greece
Line 4: Line 4:
 ^ Colour  ^ Sample ^ HEX      ^ RGB ^ ^ Colour  ^ Sample ^ HEX      ^ RGB ^
 | **Main** |||| | **Main** ||||
-| Main | <hi #4791d6>Blue</hi> | #4791d6 | 071, 145, 214 |+| Main | <hi #4791d6>Blue</hi> | #4791D6 | 071, 145, 214 |
 | Main Comp. | <hi #ffffff>White</hi> | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | | Main Comp. | <hi #ffffff>White</hi> | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 |
 | **Headers** |||| | **Headers** ||||