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esg_colors [2018/10/17 14:58]
eServices Greece
esg_colors [2018/10/17 15:00] (current)
eServices Greece
Line 4: Line 4:
 ^ Colour  ^ Sample ^ HEX      ^ RGB ^ ^ Colour  ^ Sample ^ HEX      ^ RGB ^
 | **Main** |||| | **Main** ||||
-| Main | <hi #4791d6>Blue</hi> | #4791d6 71,145,214 | +| Main | <hi #4791d6>Blue</hi> | #4791D6 071, 145, 214 | 
-| Main Comp. | <hi #ffffff>White</hi> | #ffffff | 255,255,255 |+| Main Comp. | <hi #ffffff>White</hi> | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 |
 | **Headers** |||| | **Headers** ||||
-| Menus | <hi #BED8F0>Off Blue</hi> | #BED8F0 | 190,216,240 |+| Menus | <hi #BED8F0>Off Blue</hi> | #BED8F0 | 190, 216, 240 |
 | Panels | <hi #9AC5EF>Light Blue</hi> | #9AC5EF | 154, 197, 239 | | Panels | <hi #9AC5EF>Light Blue</hi> | #9AC5EF | 154, 197, 239 |
 | **Tables** |||| | **Tables** ||||
 | Odd |<hi #FFD79D>Light Orange</hi> | #FFD79D | 255, 215, 157 | | Odd |<hi #FFD79D>Light Orange</hi> | #FFD79D | 255, 215, 157 |
-| Even | <hi #ffffff>White</hi> | #ffffff | 255,255,255 |+| Even | <hi #ffffff>White</hi> | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 |
 | Focus |<hi #FFC46E>Orange</hi> | #FFC46E | 255, 196, 110 | | Focus |<hi #FFC46E>Orange</hi> | #FFC46E | 255, 196, 110 |
 | **Buttons** |||| | **Buttons** ||||
-| Internal |<hi #3FAD46>Green</hi> | #3FAD46 | 63, 173, 70 |+| Internal |<hi #3FAD46>Green</hi> | #3FAD46 | 063, 173, 70 |
 | **Other** |||| | **Other** ||||
-| Positive Heading | <hi #30DB64>Light Green </hi> | #30DB64 | 48, 219, 100 | +| Positive Heading | <hi #30DB64>Light Green </hi> | #30DB64 | 048, 219, 100 | 
-| Warning Heading | <hi #FFAD45>Deep Orange </hi> | #FFAD45 | 255, 173, 69 |+| Warning Heading | <hi #FFAD45>Deep Orange </hi> | #FFAD45 | 255, 173, 069 |