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development:gitignore [2016/06/20 08:15]
eServices Greece
development:gitignore [2020/06/25 16:47] (current)
eServices Greece [FPC .gitignore]
Line 6: Line 6:
 *.class *.class
 Objects Objects
 </sxh> </sxh>
 +==== GO .gitignore ====
 +# ---> Go
 +# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
 +# Folders
 +# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
 +# Database
 +# Builds
 +==== FPC .gitignore ====
 +# ---> FPC
 +# FPC compiler-generated binaries (safe to delete)
 +# local files (user-specific info)
 +# history