Table of Contents



First you will need to get your storage address and credentials from your account in our members area. Then you have many options of accessing your storage over SMB.

For the following examples we will assume the following:

File Explorer

Windows will ask you for your credentials (Username and Password) and after you enter them correctly it will open your cloud storage in File Explorer.

File Explorer - Computer Menu Map Network Drive


Disconnect Network Drive

In order to disconnect your network drive:

Disconnect Network Drive

Command Line

In a console that has administrative permissions:

Mount as Network Drive

net use q: \\\backup
This will mount the cloud storage on Drive Letter Q:

Mount under UNC Path

mklink /D C:\%userprofile%\MyStorageFolder \\\backup
This will mount the cloud storage in a folder called MyStorageFolder inside your user profile.


Required Packages

yum install samba-client samba-common cifs-utils


We will assume your user in the system is myuser
Add an entry in your fstab like this:

// /home/myuser/mystorage cifs user=user1234,pass=WMacuuvnnxaKuiwBTrn2,iocharset=utf8 0 0

Protecting the Username & Password

In order to avoid the leaking of username & password you can do the following:

Create the file ~/.smbcredentials:

touch ~/.smbcredentials

Add the following inside the smbcredentials file:


Change the permissions of the file to be readable only from your id:

chmod 600 ~/.smbcredentials

Change the fstab entry to be like this:

// /home/myuser/mystorage cifs credentials=/home/myuser/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8 0 0