yum install perl-libwww-perl.noarch perl-Time-HiRes
wget https://download.configserver.com/csf.tgz tar zxfv csf.tgz
cd csf sh install.sh
cd /usr/local/csf/bin/ perl csftest.pl
You should get the following:
RESULT: csf should function on this server
systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld
cd /etc/csf/ vim csf.confChange TESTING = “1” to TESTING = “0”
systemctl start csf systemctl start lfd systemctl enable csf systemctl enable lfd
If you enable statistics you will need the following libraries for the option to appear and function.
yum install perl-GDGraph3d
yum install perl-Crypt-SSLeay perl-LWP-Protocol-https
Make sure to restart lfd after enabling the UI, csf will not reload the lfd service.