====== Maintenance ====== ==== Check Table Integrity ==== myisamchk -s /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI ==== Repair Table ==== myisamchk -r /var/lib/mysql/dbname/table_name.MYI === If it fails === systemctl stop mariadb myisamchk -r --update-state /var/lib/mysql/dbname/table_name.MYI systemctl start mariadb ====== Basic SQL Commands ====== ==== DB Management ==== === Show Databases === SHOW DATABASES; === Create Database === CREATE DATABASE database-name; Example: CREATE DATABASE cmsdatabase; === Select a Database === USE database-name; Example: USE cmsdatabase; === Drop/Delete Database === Warning: This will delete the database and there is no way to restore it. DROP database-name; ==== Table Management ==== === Show Tables === SHOW TABLES; === Create Table === CREATE TABLE table-name ( column datatype, column datatype ); === Show Table Fields === DESCRIBE table-name; === Drop/Delete Table === Warning: This will delete the table and there is no way to restore it. DROP table-name; ==== User Management ==== === Show Users === Show users with the access host and password: SELECT user,host,password FROM mysql.user; === Add User === GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database-name.table-name TO 'USERNAME'@'IP' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'; Example: (This will allow the user to change ALL tables on the cmsdatabase database.) GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cmsdatabase.* TO 'cmsuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'lyx*I@y2#\Z$hC@CDhXXF'; Please note that if you need your user to be able to give permissions to other DB users you can add WITH GRANT OPTION in the end of the command before the ; . This can be a security issue. === Drop/Delete a User === DROP USER 'username'@'host'; Example: DROP USER 'cmsuser'@'localhost'; === Change Users Password ==== Change a users password: SET PASSWORD FOR 'USERNAME'@'IP' = PASSWORD('PASSWORD'); === Update Privileges === After changing privileges for a database or global user do NOT restart the database service instead you will need to do this: FLUSH PRIVILEGES; ==== Import/Export ==== === Import Database === Import a dump of an SQL: mysql -u username -p -h localhost DATABASENAME < filename.sql === Export Database === Create a dump (backup) of a Database: mysqldump -u username -p databasename > filename.sql