{{tag>redis compile hosting }} {{howhard>1}}
====== Redis v4 ======
This guide assumes you are switched to su - . This guide assumes you are using the eSG provided installation image.
===== Goal =====
Compile redis v4.
===== Steps =====
==== Library Prerequisites ====
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
yum install tcl
==== EXPORTS used to set versions ====
You can change the values here to change compiled version.
==== Fetch Redis ====
wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-${REDIS_VERSION}.tar.gz
tar zxfv redis-${REDIS_VERSION}.tar.gz
==== Build Redis ====
cd redis-${REDIS_VERSION}
==== Install Redis ====
make install
==== Setup the systemd service =====
[[systems:redis.service|Create the systemd service]]